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21 May 2011

I spy I spy with my little eye ... Vanessa Hudgens !

There are many reasons why I could hate Vanessa Hudgens. Her incredibly gawwjusshh hair, for starters. Then you got the fact that she actually could get Zac Effron (sigghh...) But if I had to mention one reason why I love her, than it would be the fact that she dresses just the way I like, in every designer that I like, being probably a thousand times more stunning in them than I could ever be. More reason to hate her, but let's stay positive today :D

The reason of me drooling (again) is because I was looking for my latest 'must have object' : A floppy hat. Googeling around I found pictures of V. rocking this hat, and it looked just stunning on her. Like really. 

17 May 2011

Oh, America .. [Spotlight : Designer David Giampiccolo]

Logging on to my facebook account a while ago, I saw that designer David Giampiccolo, -a very promising designer from Brussels by the way- was preparing his new collection. That got me interested and I went looking for more of his work, and I must say, not bad  at all !

You can imagine that after seeing this I had to go google him. But nothing, so like a scared ass groupie I took the easiest way and asked the designer himself what he had to say about this collection and himself ofcourse !
 " Je crée uniquement par rapport a mes envies et par rapport a mon instinct et mes etats d'âmes, jamais en fonction des tendances et autres.
The strange music box etait tres sombre
So he sais : " I only create using what I feel like and following my instinct, the emotional state of my being, never  following the trends or what other people do. The strange music box was really sober-minded"

"c'était une collection qui re-transcrivait mon etat a l'époque qui n'etait pas top! des moments d'angoisses et une vie pas toujour evidente! le theme etait les cauchemars passé a travers mes peurs.. 
He continues saying :" It was a collection that really showed how I felt back then, which wasn't really happy at all ! Moments of axienty and a life not always that easy ! The theme was the nightmares through my fears .." 
After this 'dark' collection, he surprised everybody with an all white one, called "See you in hell mr David". It all became clear why when he told me that "It was after I solved all the problems with my inner me, and I wanted to say goodbye to the old David, the one that caused me so much trouble! The one that was always anxious and who had to support himself, that's whyI told him 'see you in hell' "

Picture of the 'see you in hell, mr. David' collection
 About his new collection: "America America " he says :
" la nouvelle collection est un regard sur mon futur et sur le passé, car je suis un paradox vivant!Le futur c'est les Etats-Unis car j'y parts en janvier pour quelque temps.Le passé c 'est pour toutes mes influences que j'y ai mise, comme l'afrique, les années 80, le hip hop, les couleurs et la nouvelle joie de vivre! "
" The new collection is a view on my future and the past, since I am full of ambiguity! The future is the USA, because I'm going there in January for a while. The past because of all the influences I put in there ; Africa, the 80ies, Hip Hop, the colors and the new 'joie de vivre' ! "


Pictures of "America America" are made by Gilles Geekk, and the make up artist is Caroline Nizet

Mister Designer himself during the 'The strange music box' photo shoot

What do you think about this designer? 

Love and Kisses,