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26 August 2011

Bloggers Against AIDS : The Pictures, The Cause.

Soo, here is part II of the photoshoot with the actual pictures. First off I want to make clear what this project was all about. We (the bloggers that participated) wanted to raise awareness for HIV and AIDS. Because no matter how pretty the outside is, a virus hides in small places. So pick the safe rides only! 

We had a serious blast doing this shoot, and I think it was a great opportunity to meet up as bloggers and do a project together, hopefully more in the future and with more bloggers ! Remember to CLICK on the picture for a greater image and better quality. So , tadum, I present you :

Blogger Kate  from 100% Coton:

Hats Me Up

I have a new obsession. And I blame Eva from Just Be Creation* for 100%. Cause before she put one on my head, I never even could dream about putting a hat on, and now I'm craving for one. Damn you, Eva !

For some unexplainable reason I never wanted to wear hats. I loved them, but always thought that they looked weird on me. Every excuse I have used, from "I have a big head" to "It makes my head look weird" I have used.

24 August 2011

Why Don't You Rush In My Shoes ?

Today was one hell of a day. Rushing up and down a billion stairs, playing dress-up in the middle of place Poelaert, a photographer that refused to show up,.. Stress enough to cause some serious heart-damage. Today I survived on cafeïne and snickers. Welcome to ma petite belle vie.

First of all, do not start a project if you don't have the nerves to finish it. Cause boy did I go through some stress these days. I have been working on a project with H&M, the Belgian Bloggers and yours truly as dedicated coordinator. Obviously I had not the slightest idea of what I getting myself into.
I remember being soooo exited when Marianne of H&M liked the project and volunteered to provide garments for the Bloggers Against AIDS project. When I saw the mailman in my front door holding 3 XL bags signé  H&M, I went nuts. It felt like the joy of sales shopping, minus the painful feet, the long waiting and the frustrated people all around.

10 August 2011

Post Of Shame

Every blogger who dares to be M.I.A for more than 2 weeks writes a post of shame. Not only for apologizing for not feeding his/her readers with regular fashion news but also for not telling what he/she's up to ! That's why people read blogs right? So, my turn i guess *Guiltyface*

I have a billion excuses for not posting, some more positive and acceptable than others. For example, I have been working on some amazing projects with my  fellow bloggers that will be shown soon! Since that is all still a secret, I won't spill a word... Okay well maybe a few then. Keep an eye open on the (french) belgian blogs, because they will soon show you what it's all about !

Leaving the secrets for what they are, guess who's bin named editor? Yes indeed, yours truly got herself this great place at The Fashion Week Coffee ( link right HERE )   I met the Editor-In-Chief on Twitter a month and a half ago, we talked, we talked, he proposed, I said yes ! So because of all the writing I did for them, I had nearly no time to write here :( But anyway will do my absolute best to keep BOTH up to date ! You can find the latest Fashion Week news there, together with some amazing  street style posts and regular "History" posts ( always wanted to  know the history of Vogue and Fashion Week? Whatcha waitin' for?! GO ! ) And not to mention Style Analysises on both French and Belgian street styles.

Some exiting person I met lately, Maxime Edward ! Young up-and-coming designer from Brussels with tons and tons of life energy who until now didn't stop to amaze me with his sparkling personality and fun designs! The 28th of September he will do a fashion show in Liège, so you can expect a full report. A name to remember !

One of his designs on the QUI DIT MIEUX fashion show
 While Forever 21 got Belgium buzzing about it's opening in Rue Neuve, Brussels, H&M had a Style Advice Session. Although I fell immediately in LOVE with F21, I decided to be the loyal client and sign up for it, just to see what they could have possibly dared  to organise on the same day  as the F21 opening. So I went, I saw, and I noted. Post coming up, Cuz'  I got some stuff to say ! 

So you can expect some serious opinion pieces, reviews, outfitposts and many many more !

Hate Less and Love More,
