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04 October 2011

Welcome to Weirdopolitan

When the endless summerdays (although, that's how it felt anyway ) seize their magic, when the wind starts to blows just that little bit harder, and the rain starts to fall harder and colder, we all know what time it is : school begins !  September means new beginnings as December means cold. And while September means to most of the people "the beginning of the academic schoolyear", for me it means one and only one thing this year : Fashion Week.

Now, when you'd hear me speaking you would maybe not expect me to start my freshman year at college, mostly because I stopped stressing about the first school day somewhere around grade 7. Well I still do, somehow,  but for the moment I have this way more stressing and at the same time exiting event coming up. My very first time to attend Fashion Week. and not in the least of the cities : Paris, Oui !

So I get there at the campus, with no idea where to go, what teacher to ask for or even what class I had to be in. Luckily it's only introduction week, and I shouldn't have bothered anyway since all of the freshman students were lost en masse.After they guided us like lost cows into the class, we sat there for almost 2 hours listening to our  learning coach . The coach was okay, the students seemed okay, the school was okay. Meh.

Bizarre et assumée
The awkwardness of meeting new people in groups always make me laugh. Everybody is just standing there, except from a few people nobody knows anyone, and the whole group is just standing there laughing like brainless teletubbies, not knowing if they should dare to talk to anybody at all. Then starts the awkward, hesitating move towards the target of choice, but then to change their mind halfway and retreat. Obviously, realizing too late that it was that retreat that made it all awkward. This results in leaving both person in question and target of choice in total awkwardness, red heads and uncatalogued noises, somewhere between a laugh, cry and chocking in their own spit ; Hilarious. This all just drives me to conclude that I made the right choice, just standing in a corner, and observe, smiling in the depths of my mind. Being a spectator can be so beneficial, if you only picked the right time to do so.

I must say, stylewise this college has somehow surprised me. Even though the classic Abercrombie&Fitch seems the safest way to go for most of the students (Together with expensive bags, ratchet-worthy D&G everything. -and not in the good way - ) There were some appearances that surprised me because of their originality and taste, unexpected mixes and dared hairstyles. Way to go Ghent ! But more on that later.

There was not a thing that would stop me from coming home early though. Surprised was my mother when I came home and answered her with a dry "Yeah cool, fine, bye !" when she asked how my first day went. No wonder, after the drama of the previous 'first school days', she wondered if I actually went  to school, due to my total lack of drama dose. But hey, I had better things on my mind. I rushed like a true Tasmanian Devil upstairs to start the laptop, nothing would come between me and my live-streamed Burberry Prorsum show, nothing. Well, nothing except the laptop, that is. It literally refused to show me anything. At all. Sometimes it would tease me by only playing the background music, or only show bits and pieces of the actual screen. I've never retained my frustrations as much as today, dear reader, because it would have bin only a matter of seconds before that dear laptop would've seen how the floor looks like, with a free fall gratuit.

Burberry Prorsum Spring 2012 Ready-to-Wear

I just had to do it with twitter, and while I was hushing myself of the idea that a new laptop was on it's way. Soon, patience. At least this stupid thing lets me write in blogger, because you shouldn't think that I write first in Word. Oh no, that privilege is for people with an actual functioning laptop. Not for misery birds like myself, now would you just imagine!

(Below, Burberry Prorsum S/S 2012; Tribal prints to make your body go  mjam !)

Burberry Prorsum Spring 2012 Ready-to-Wear

Burberry Prorsum Spring 2012 Ready-to-Wear

( Below : Those colors ! Those trenches ! #Omnomnom )

Burberry Prorsum Spring 2012 Ready-to-Wear

 Burberry Prorsum Spring 2012 Ready-to-Wear

The rest of the day I basically spent on, well, writing this article -duh- and job-hunting websites. Yes people, that Marc Jacobs bag won't buy itself now will it?

image source : we heart it, style.com