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23 July 2012

[ NEWS ] Condé Nast College

 Condé Nast has officially opened their own school. Excuse me while I pass out and DIE.

I am not even able to express my feelings right now. Can you imagine attending this school? You would literally have access to EVERYTHING in the fashion industry, learn from the best and have the best education possible in this field ! They are opening this January 2013, with a few short courses and a year-long course. I don't think I have to explain the impact of a Condé Nast Diploma on your CV right? 

If you would give an arm and a leg, plus sell all available organs to attend this college, please raise your hand.


I hereby rest my case.

More info can be found on their website : http://www.condenastcollege.co.uk/. Would you want to attend?