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All the pictures that I take are protected. If you use one of them, you have to link back to my blog using my url www.caramelboots.blogspot.com. None of my pictures can be used for commercial meanings without my explicit consent.
The pictures I use that are not mine, are only for promotional/illustrational meanings. They usualy come from Weheartit or Tumblr, otherwise I will try to link back to the source. If you  want a picture removed, please e-mail me at caramelboots@hotmail.com.
Every opinion expressed on this blog is personal, meaning that it is my and only my point of view. You do not have to agree, I just want to raise a discussion around a topic. I certainly do not want to hurt anybody with what I write, so if you might feel offended, please tell me. I try to give as many arguments as possible for my opinions, but if you believe I got my facts wrong you can just tell me in a friendly, polite way and I will adjust accordingly.  