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15 November 2011

Wanna have : Pretty Bag

I spotted this cute bag on a russian girl in Paris, just had to snap a picture of it ! Somewhere between a mutated spanish, broken english and the universal language of signs, we had something that was close to a conversation. Note to self : learn more languages. Anyway, I didn't understand where she bought it, but she was willing to exchange bags with me !! Unfortunately, I am married to my purses, so that was never gonna happen. If anybody knows where to find it, give me a call ! (If that place has an e-store. I won't go to Russia, don't love this bag that much.)



08 November 2011

Tuesday Thing to try : Dip Dye Hair

Let's talk about hair today. Dilemmas on this subject are unfortunately very familiar to me. Even though I’m very conservative, I like to change hairdo’s A LOT. So happy was my ever challenged mind when friend and hair-experimentista Ciska asked me what she should do with her hair.

 I would’ve proposed both purple and scene-queen hair, but she already did that. Dammit. After a quick run through Google and Tumblr it was obvious what cool thing should be tried next : Dip Dye Hair


05 November 2011

The Return Of The Gentlemen

Sometimes my nostalgic soul longs for the good old times. Where men opened the door for ladies, where they kissed their hand and bowed... Where they took their hat off and went all "Good morning miss".
I guess I'm kind of a romantic, dreaming of times long gone. But I don't believe the Gentleman has died. Oh no, of course not. He has just... Evolved. Ladies and other species,I give you: the modern day Gentleman.

03 November 2011

Eye-Spied : Not Afraid Of Color

The layering, the colors, the iPad,... perfect.

02 November 2011

5 Season Must Haves

Now that the wind is getting colder and Justin Bieber released his Christmas album ( I know, I know)  I thought of you, my darlings. If you didn't go season-shopping yet, here are the 5 Items you should have hanging in your closet :

1. Something Hairy

(Faux) fur is a must. Period. Now that you can see it in nearly every store, there are no excuses of not hopping into a H&M or Pimkie to get your new hairy friend. Try a warm color instead of the eternal grey this year !

2. Something blingy

Sequins, glitter, bling. Like I said earlier, you are not ever escaping this. It will hunt you down and stand outside your window until you embrace it.

3. Something Preppy

We didn't all get the chance to go to an ivy-league school, but fashion snobbery isn't reserved for the upper east side these days. Get your chique on by wearing classic pieces. Bonus points if you manage to look like a boy.

4. Bows, bows, bows.

I do not have to justify my obsession for bows. Just wear it.

5. Statement Scarfs.


Probably the hottest way (hihi, get it?) to stay fashionable this season. Get that one-piece scarf in a funky mustard color, or a aztec print. Triple bonus points for tribals.

29 October 2011

Eye-Spied : Jeans & Metallica

I think that metal details on jeans are an eye-catcher, easy to DIY ! ( will post a tutorial on that later) 

Rough, destroyed edges, cartoon t-shirt underneath and Ray-Bans, would you dare on this hipsterstyle?

28 October 2011

Loving Ladurée

Since I'm all on confessions these days, here is another one : I never ate macarons, even though I am surrounded by them. On my list of must-do's it was of high priority but I felt like the first time I tasted macarons, it had to be from the best. I only heard lovesongs about Ladurée, so this fashion-food had to be bought ASAP. While strolling on the Champs-Elysées between some streetstyle-at-night-shots, my stomach led me to the store as if the automatic pilot was preset on finding deliciousness. 

27 October 2011

Coke Goes White

Being a dedicated, full - admitted Coca Cola Light addict, I can tell you with no shame that I probably drink more Coca Cola Light than water. Hmm, maybe I should be ashamed... Whatever I'm getting off topic. The reason of my confession is that Coca Cola is pulling out an all-white version of their famous cans.

Things to try : Leather Accessories

I crossed a girl in Paris wearing this very special thingy, not exactly sure what it was but it looked damn fierce ! Made me think of how I would like to have so many things in leather, inspiration after the jump !

25 October 2011

Focus: Rachel Zoe

Meet the most stylish among the stylists : Rachel Zoe ! 

Eye-Spied : Sequins Above All

You are not going to escape the sequins trend this season. Or ever, for that matter.

16 October 2011

5 reasons why you're not losing weight

You've tried every diet in the book, still your body seems to hold on to those love-handles like they in love for real. Why is that ?

Coco Après Chanel : Part I

If you call yourself a fashion lover, Coco Avant Chanel is a must-see movie. It tells the story of Gabrielle 'Coco' Chanel, from her youth as a poor girl to a known designer. What I found so striking about her personal style was that she adapted so early that laid back, no-nonsense boyish look. She refused to wear clothing that would be uncomfortable in any way, what I found more than reasonable. Fashion has to feel good, right? Today I'll show you an outfit inspired by this movie:

15 October 2011

Blogtorial : Little Red Riding Hood

I present proudly ; My First Blogtorial ! Above you can see the "cover" of this theme, featuring my little sister Shalom. 

I never knew that this was how my first blogtorial would be, since I had planned another story/theme which turned out to take a lot of time, so I'm glad I have something to show you guys. My sister is a beautiful kid with ridiculously long legs, model to be ! She loves fashion and has truly an eye for pretty clothes, she would never let anybody dress here because she always knew exactly what she wanted to wear, and how ! 

True fashionista at heart, she immediately agreed for a photoshoot. She had to pick her own outfit, poses,... She happy me happy. Click to read more !

12 October 2011

Lets Chase Our Dreams... For Real This Time !

Ever crossed a girl, medium to small height, with tons of dreams, a billion ambitions, a pair of high heels and looks like a tornado of energy? Hello there, I think we've met. I'm the girl that wants everything and does, well nothing. Nothing concrete at least. But, like many people know, I hate wasting my time and I have way too much energy to do nothing. So get up, follow your dream let's get this party started !

10 October 2011

Les Visages De Paris

I always love to take portraits when I'm going somewhere, capture the people and their expressions. I would like to do it in every new town I visit, so why not start in Paris?

I used to take better pictures with my analog camera, the one that I had since I was 8 years old. I knew it inside out, what makes it obviously easier to take good pictures. I'm still trying to find the right technique with this one, so I can only hope it gets better as I go ;) 

09 October 2011

Backstage : Giambattista Valli S/S 2012

I thought playing paparazzi outside the Giambattista Valli would get me some awesome streetstyle pics, and I got even more than I asked. I had the great opportunity to have a look backstage, but with all that crazy and hectic energy over there, it was a refreshing change to see M.A.C director  Nadine Luke being calm itself. The models were coiffé et poudré, hitting the catwalk, so this beauty had some breathing time.  I found her touching up her own makeup, thought it was the perfect moment to sit beside her and have a good ol' chat. 

Viktor&Rolf S/S 2012 Fashion Show

There are no words available to say how exited I was to attend this season's V&R show. I have so much respect for them, that being able to attend one of their shows was just mind-blowing. I enjoyed every second of  it, mostly because I noticed pretty early that my the light was ruining my pictures, so I wouldn't have to focus on capturing good ones anyway

It was truly a stunning collection. "Baby Doll" seeming to be the head-theme, they showed us a lot of glitter and soft colors, enormous stitches and over gorgeous clutches. Maybe it is my fandom of V&R, or just my love for pastels mixed with glitter, I loved it. There were a few - let me exaggerate a little - PERFECT dresses, the kind that I would sell a kidney for to have them. Saw some pretty gorgeous dresses chez Valentin Yudashkin too,sadly I have only 2 kidneys. 

Martin Grant S/S 2012 show

The first show I had the honour to attend was Martin Grant. I'm really a fan of luxurious hotels, so the Westin  was everything my  precious heart desired. Please bear with me, I used my new camera for the first time, didn't master the dim light during the shows well. Anyways, here are my favorite looks :

04 October 2011

Welcome to Weirdopolitan

When the endless summerdays (although, that's how it felt anyway ) seize their magic, when the wind starts to blows just that little bit harder, and the rain starts to fall harder and colder, we all know what time it is : school begins !  September means new beginnings as December means cold. And while September means to most of the people "the beginning of the academic schoolyear", for me it means one and only one thing this year : Fashion Week.

Now, when you'd hear me speaking you would maybe not expect me to start my freshman year at college, mostly because I stopped stressing about the first school day somewhere around grade 7. Well I still do, somehow,  but for the moment I have this way more stressing and at the same time exiting event coming up. My very first time to attend Fashion Week. and not in the least of the cities : Paris, Oui !

So I get there at the campus, with no idea where to go, what teacher to ask for or even what class I had to be in. Luckily it's only introduction week, and I shouldn't have bothered anyway since all of the freshman students were lost en masse.After they guided us like lost cows into the class, we sat there for almost 2 hours listening to our  learning coach . The coach was okay, the students seemed okay, the school was okay. Meh.

02 September 2011

Fall Trends 2011

While the summer weather is being deceptive as usual, fashionista's all over the world have prepared their closet for this Autumn and Winter ! Lets take a look to what this season's bringing us:

1. Shimmy shimmers

We all loved the colourblocking trend of this summer, and even if there is no reason at all to stop that - in a more season-appropriate way ofcourse. I am totally embracing the shimmers trend. Weather it's metallic on your eyes or sequins on your blazer, get your glitz on!

Get Your Glitz On

26 August 2011

Bloggers Against AIDS : The Pictures, The Cause.

Soo, here is part II of the photoshoot with the actual pictures. First off I want to make clear what this project was all about. We (the bloggers that participated) wanted to raise awareness for HIV and AIDS. Because no matter how pretty the outside is, a virus hides in small places. So pick the safe rides only! 

We had a serious blast doing this shoot, and I think it was a great opportunity to meet up as bloggers and do a project together, hopefully more in the future and with more bloggers ! Remember to CLICK on the picture for a greater image and better quality. So , tadum, I present you :

Blogger Kate  from 100% Coton:

Hats Me Up

I have a new obsession. And I blame Eva from Just Be Creation* for 100%. Cause before she put one on my head, I never even could dream about putting a hat on, and now I'm craving for one. Damn you, Eva !

For some unexplainable reason I never wanted to wear hats. I loved them, but always thought that they looked weird on me. Every excuse I have used, from "I have a big head" to "It makes my head look weird" I have used.

24 August 2011

Why Don't You Rush In My Shoes ?

Today was one hell of a day. Rushing up and down a billion stairs, playing dress-up in the middle of place Poelaert, a photographer that refused to show up,.. Stress enough to cause some serious heart-damage. Today I survived on cafeïne and snickers. Welcome to ma petite belle vie.

First of all, do not start a project if you don't have the nerves to finish it. Cause boy did I go through some stress these days. I have been working on a project with H&M, the Belgian Bloggers and yours truly as dedicated coordinator. Obviously I had not the slightest idea of what I getting myself into.
I remember being soooo exited when Marianne of H&M liked the project and volunteered to provide garments for the Bloggers Against AIDS project. When I saw the mailman in my front door holding 3 XL bags signé  H&M, I went nuts. It felt like the joy of sales shopping, minus the painful feet, the long waiting and the frustrated people all around.

10 August 2011

Post Of Shame

Every blogger who dares to be M.I.A for more than 2 weeks writes a post of shame. Not only for apologizing for not feeding his/her readers with regular fashion news but also for not telling what he/she's up to ! That's why people read blogs right? So, my turn i guess *Guiltyface*

I have a billion excuses for not posting, some more positive and acceptable than others. For example, I have been working on some amazing projects with my  fellow bloggers that will be shown soon! Since that is all still a secret, I won't spill a word... Okay well maybe a few then. Keep an eye open on the (french) belgian blogs, because they will soon show you what it's all about !

Leaving the secrets for what they are, guess who's bin named editor? Yes indeed, yours truly got herself this great place at The Fashion Week Coffee ( link right HERE )   I met the Editor-In-Chief on Twitter a month and a half ago, we talked, we talked, he proposed, I said yes ! So because of all the writing I did for them, I had nearly no time to write here :( But anyway will do my absolute best to keep BOTH up to date ! You can find the latest Fashion Week news there, together with some amazing  street style posts and regular "History" posts ( always wanted to  know the history of Vogue and Fashion Week? Whatcha waitin' for?! GO ! ) And not to mention Style Analysises on both French and Belgian street styles.

Some exiting person I met lately, Maxime Edward ! Young up-and-coming designer from Brussels with tons and tons of life energy who until now didn't stop to amaze me with his sparkling personality and fun designs! The 28th of September he will do a fashion show in Liège, so you can expect a full report. A name to remember !

One of his designs on the QUI DIT MIEUX fashion show
 While Forever 21 got Belgium buzzing about it's opening in Rue Neuve, Brussels, H&M had a Style Advice Session. Although I fell immediately in LOVE with F21, I decided to be the loyal client and sign up for it, just to see what they could have possibly dared  to organise on the same day  as the F21 opening. So I went, I saw, and I noted. Post coming up, Cuz'  I got some stuff to say ! 

So you can expect some serious opinion pieces, reviews, outfitposts and many many more !

Hate Less and Love More,
